Payroll, Leave, Attendance, Employee Records, Management Reports
At click of a button

Does your organisation spend days upon days at the end of every month creating payroll? Do you have to access data from many different files, folders, sources, calculate, check, recheck, and thus spend a lot of time, effort and money to get the payroll out accurately at the end of every month?

Does your team tear its hair in frustration trying to maintain correct attendance , leave records , expense claims , reimbursements , loan records ,ensure all the statutory compliance records (PF,ESI,TDS) , create the necessary required forms — Form 16 and others ,………

Are you using excel, some pieces of software , doing everything in house, doing something in house and doing something outsourced , outsourcing all of it , spending time coordinating various issues — in general spending too much time on repetitive tasks, ending up working late and stressed.

If you are, you can say goodbye to all of the above forever.

You can maintain, create and provide all the above at just the click of the button. Things which used to take days will happen in hours and in minutes.

This is no fantasy but a reality. Over 3,500 organisations are enjoying the fruits of our revolutionary solution , maintaining over 500,000 employee records every day.

Our solution will give you these fantastic benefits:
Reduce the time to process everything drastically – by over 90%
Your accuracy level will be 100% as everything will be automated and collected at source
It will be extremely convenient to process all the information , since everything will be automated.
It will be very  cost efficient – Prices starting at just Rs 10/employee/month
You don’t have to make any upfront capital investment. No IT hardware or storage requirements to manage
Once this solution is implemented (implementation can be done in hours not days) everyone benefits:

For HR/Accounts Administrator

Process accurate payroll, month on month with 100% statutory compliance (PF,PT,ESI & TDS).
Reconciliation tools ensure accuracy of payroll outputs with host of reconciliation tools.
Eliminate effort and error of data entry collection by collecting all data (emp records,IT declarations etc) at source.
Simplified reports – Save time of creating multiple reports with 90+ pre –configured statutory reports such as Form12B, Form16, and Form24 and various MIS reports
Data Storage – Consolidate all information in one location. You need not manage and update multiple data files.
Automating processes with employee portal reduces transaction time. Employees can access their own information such as payslips, YTD statements, loan details, leave policies, and apply for leaves online, hence reducing the transaction effort.
Comprehensive audit tools – with comprehensive audit tool ensure authenticity of the records
Quick and easy access to data -access data anywhere, anytime

For the CEO/Business Owner

Dashboard provides quick insights with real time data on head counts, Salary Revision Analytics and leave statistics etc.
No costs of maintenance – Being cloud based, there are no server costs or costs of updating software and maintenance. This reduces the TCO (Total cost of ownership)
Maintain data confidentiality – As data is not stored on excel files, all data is secure and confidential.
Comprehensive audit and reconciliation tool ensures complete peace of mind
Save paper- With process automation, a number of processes get shifted online. This reduces paper work.
News box provides information about statutory updates to help the business owner keep their policies updated. It also keeps you informed on new and useful features.

For your Employees

On demand access to information – Employee can access his information as payslips, PF Statements, Loan statements etc on demand without waiting for the HR to revert
Easy applications – Employee can check his entitlements and claim for leaves or apply for claims. He can also keep a track of the status of his application
Get queries resolved fast – Enables employees to log issues / queries online. HR can review and revert with information and resolutions. No more missed queries, email overload and escalations.
Online IT Calculations – IT calculator helps you to do a “what-if” analysis of your Income Tax. Figure-out how much you need to invest and how you can be tax efficient.
Manager Self Service – Managers can access team and leave information instantly helping improve decision making
As you can see, our solution provides massive benefits, is extremely cost effective and makes creating and managing Payroll, Leave, Attendance, Management Reports possible as easy as just the click of a button.
Contact Us For More Info
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DesignationYour Designation
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CompanyYour Company Name
No. Of EmployeesHow many employees are in your company
CityEnter Your City
How are you currently processing payroll and mantaining employee recordsYour Current Process To Mantaining Records